Tuesday, March 11, 2008

10 Things I'm Looking Forward to this Spring

Today's Ten on Tuesday:

1. SWIM Wives' Retreat
2. getaway to Hot Springs, AR
3. completing the self-study program I've been enrolled in for the last 4 1/2 years
4. warmer weather
5. trips to the park and the zoo
6. Easter (Resurrection Sunday)
7. longer daylight hours
8. getting back to wearing capris, t-shirts, and flip-flops
9. lighter meals
10. Billy's graduation
Bonus: 11. Our friend PoMonkey will be stopping by to sleep on our couch as she passes through town!

Technically, some of the things on my list will happen before spring officially arrives, but it's basically already here in Texas. (Other than the two snowfalls we had last week...)

What are you looking forward to?

1 comment:

Shari Ellen said...

That's so great that you get to go on a retreat. Last Fall, I went to a slumber party for women at our church. It was so wonderful. My daughters were quite jealous though.