Now that the bulk of the holidays are over, things can finally get back to normal around here! Other than an occasional errand by Billy or me, we've stayed home the last several days - pretty much since we got back home Thursday afternoon. We've rested, undecorated, dusted, replaced our regular decor, and put most of our Christmas gifts where they belong. There's still a little more to do, but that can all be taken care of this week before we start back into our school routine.
I can also get back into my regular planning and cooking routine. I usually plan out the month in advance, but I've barely gotten this week planned right now. Here's what I have so far:
Monday - pizza at church - Everyone gets to eat pizza ($5 per family) and dessert (each family brings one to share), then we all watch a Christian illusionist. I think there will even be some pre-show performances by members of our own congregation.
Tuesday - Frito pies, salad - We'll be going out to The Black-Eyed Pea for lunch, and rather than having sandwiches for supper I thought we'd have something fun. The boys love it when we have this!
Wednesday - Billy's chili, salad, cornbread
Thursday - leftovers
Friday - out - I wonder where Billy will take me for our 16th anniversary...
Saturday - baked potatoes, salad
Sunday - sandwiches - AWANA starts back up, and I won't be wanting to cook anything when we get back home.
Looks like a good week to get me eased back into the norm. :o)
For more menu ideas, check out I'm an Organizing Junkie.
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