Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I Like to Move It!

It's Wednesday! And I'm blogging along with The Vintage Apple on things that are Oh, How Pinteresting! This week I'm featuring health and fitness, in the interest of helping me with one of my goals for this year.

Top of my list: Zumba!

I'm not the most coordinated person, but I decided to give Zumba a fair shot last fall - and I love it! Our group started back up last Wednesday night. After a two-month hiatus, I was thrilled to be back!

Since I don't go to the gym (for various reasons), I try to do some working out at home. I can't always get out for a walk or a bike ride or a swim, but these are some things that keep me moving, stretching, and toning.

If you have a stability ball:

This site has 8 great exercises.

And here's a link to Alternating Toe Touches.

Arm flab is something I'm always wanting to get rid of - especially since I love to go sleeveless in the summer.

And if I ever when I get into a better home routine of daily exercise, this looks like a good plan. There's a different focus area for each weekday!

As for healthier snacking (which is my biggest issue!), here are two great lists I need to refer to often:


What great health and fitness tips have you found on Pinterest?

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Pinterest is great for motivation and exercise, isn't it?! I love finding things like this on there!