Tuesday, July 31, 2007

10 Countries I'd Like to Visit

Here's today's Ten on Tuesday: (in no particular order)

1. Greece - I've always wanted to go there, but after seeing Billy's pictures from his two trips there, I want to go even more! The history, the architecture, the unbelievable blue of the water, the food...

2. Italy - Since I have an Italian heritage, I'd love to visit Casale Monferrato where my ancestors lived. I'd also like to tour the ancient ruins in Rome, ride in a gondola in Venice, sample the foods of all the regions...

3. Scotland - I'd love to visit the castles there. The pictures I've seen in books look so green and calm and inviting.

4. Australia - Even though I don't know how to snorkel or scuba, I'd love to explore the Great Barrier Reef. The brilliant colors and endless varieties of the underwater life there are so exciting! Being surrounded by the accent of the people there would be fun, too.

5. New Zealand - The Lord of the Rings movies are some of my favorites. I think it would be exciting to get to see where some of the movie was filmed. And even though it's so close to Australia, the climate there is very different. Our pastor's wife is from New Zealand, and I just love to listen to her talk.

6. Egypt - It would be so neat to see the pyramids, the Sphinx, the Nile River. While I know things there are pretty modern, I just can't get the image of ancient Egypt out of my mind. I'd love to see how things really are.

7. Israel - I've heard so many people who have visited the Holy Land say that it changes the way they read the Bible, that it comes alive for them since they've actually seen where everything took place. (Billy said that touring parts of Greece has done the same for him.)

8. Kenya - A safari would be really exciting and educational. I wouldn't want to hunt the animals, just take lots of pictures.

9. Canada - The pictures I've seen of Niagara Falls are extraordinary. I can't imagine what it looks like - and sounds like - in person! It would be interesting to see how diverse Canada is, both in population and geography.

10. China - I would love to see the Himalayas and to walk along the Great Wall.

There are other places I'd like to visit for different reasons, but these are the ones that came to mind first.

Where would you like to visit? Where have you visited that you really liked?

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