Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Who's on your Bookshelf?

According to my cyber friend Cindy, she found the following meme through me. It's been so long ago, I don't remember it! I guess that means I need to play again. :o)

This is how this meme works: copy this list, delete the names of the authors you don't have on your home library shelves, and replace them with names of authors you do have. Bold the replacements. Then link to me.

Danielle Steel
Louisa May Alcott
Jane Austen
Agatha Christie
J. R. R. Tolkien
Charles Swindoll
Ted Dekker
James Herriot
C.S. Lewis

That's quite an assortment! Everything from classic authors to mainstream, from romance to mystery to biography, from both Christian and secular viewpoints. I must say, however, that my shelf space is limited. While those I listed are on my own bookshelves, I have one shelf dedicated to library books and that's where the majority of my reading these days comes from.

Thanks for reposting and playing, Cindy!

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